Responsible Alpha 的 SEC 气候风险研究被 123 家机构采用
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Responsible Alpha 开发了商业、经济和投资分析,供123家环境保护、土著权利和种族正义组织在写给美国证券交易委员会主席加里·根斯勒(Gary Gensler)的信中使用。信中讨论了《投资者气候相关信息披露的增强和标准化》这一拟议规则。
Responsible Alpha 的分析表明,投资者需要公司披露其气候相关的财务风险和应对策略、温室气体(GHG)排放量、在低碳未来经济中保持生存或繁荣的计划,以及在这些方面的财务韧性。这些信息应与公司所处社区相关联,支持这些社区的发展,因为这些社区常常承受的影响被忽视或低估。
为了进一步加强和支持这一分析,Responsible Alpha 编写了12个商业案例,分别涵盖以下方面:
Table 2: Health impacts from proposed chemical production by Project Sunshine.
Figure 1: Location of proposed Sunshine Project.
Annex 2: Louisiana’s Industrial Tax Exemption Program and the Sunshine Project
Table 3: ITEP for 11 Louisiana parishes.
* Category is “estimated new jobs” and excludes construction jobs, as reported by ITEP applicants to the State of Louisiana.
** Includes FPCC’s’ single-use plastic facility.
*** Jefferson Parish has lost 30% of its land since 1960 due to subsidence, saltwater intrusion, and sea level rise. It is forecast to lose 42% of its remaining land area over the next 50 years due to these same climate-impacted physical risk factors.
Table 4: 11 Louisiana parishes ITEP funds lost.
The top 30 companies in the petrochemical to plastics industries in the 11 parishes are led by FPCC, Sasol and Louisiana Integrated Polyethylene (a joint venture between LyondellBasell and Sasol), who together are responsible for 49.1% of all Ad Valorem tax relief issued to the industry in these 11 parishes, see – Table 5.
Table 5: Top 30 petrochemical to plastics companies in Louisiana’s ITEP*. *Not adjusted for joint ventures. These three companies Ad Valorem tax relief, equal to $453 million dollars, is almost enough to pay for the missing School Districts, Fire, Libraries, Health & Emergency Services, Parks & Rec, Roads, Levees and Drainage & Flooding funding on annual basis. Instead of Ad Valorem tax relief, these corporations should be funding their contribution to health and emergency services costs.